Debt Free Anniversary!


SHOUT OUT! Today marks our 1-year anniversary of being debt free!! We paid off the car loan last April Fool’s Day and have been saving up our 6-month Emergency Fund ever since (we’re almost there!). It’s been an interesting year. We’ve cash flowed emergencies, vacations, college, and everything in between. All thanks to Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.

If you haven’t taken FPU, you’re missing out! I promise no matter where you are in your financial journey, you’ll learn something from Dave.

Do it before time passes and you wish you had.

We’re Not Lucky.

luck quote


Hi friends! I’ve noticed an interesting pattern ever since becoming debt free. When we speak of our accomplishments, the response “you’re so lucky” gets thrown out as if our success was completely random. Believe it or not, luck had nothing to do with it. It took blood, sweat and a lot of tears to get where we are today {ok, no blood, but that list sounds weird without it…but there were definitely tears}.

To clear up the confusion and put credibility back into our hard work, here are some of the things we did to earn our freedom: Continue reading

Not Everyone is a Victoria’s Secret Angel and That’s Ok



Last night the Twittersphere was in a tizzy about the 2014 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show. Inspired by my friend’s amazing post from last year, I’ve decided to share Tweets from last night that stood out to me the most. Take from them what you will and see below for my response.

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When Giving Is Not What You Expected




Has this ever happened to you? It starts with a prayer…

“Ok, God. I’m ready to give! I’m ready to serve my community and my neighbors. So let’s get started! I bet you want me to help that single mom, don’t you? And that older lady with her dogs? And the young couple upstairs with two dogs and a baby on the way? Just let me know when and I’ll get started.”

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

Days, weeks, and months go by. A seemingly unanswered, but intentional prayer is replaced by life’s responsibilities.

Then, something starts to happen.

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One Way to Stop the Crazy Cycle




Every day is a new opportunity in our marriage for the Crazy Cycle to make an appearance. It’s ugly, vengeful, and has no plans of ever leaving for good. You know what I’m talking about… She says something snarky about unfinished laundry. He says he washed it so she should dry it. She starts naming off a completed chores list like it’s a resume, and no one is happy about anything. Dr. Emerson Eggerichs defines the Crazy Cycle as an “endless cycle of negative reactions when couples try to resolve conflicts.”

One way my husband has taught me to fight the negativity that the cycle creates is with humor. I refer to it as “calling me out on my (or his) crazy.” If I get annoyed that something isn’t put away, it will either end up in my work bag or under my pillow. If I leave a post-it note for him with a “To Do,” I come home to post-its all over the apartment (ALL over).

Why is this a wonderful way to break the negativity? Because you can’t be mad at someone for long when they make you laugh. :) It breaks the tension, causes you to relax in a place that probably hurts, and encourages you to be creative in similar silly ways.

Here are some of the ways my husband has broken the Crazy Cycle in just the past few days: Continue reading

Debt Free Bohons

Well, I admit this update is waaayy overdue, but better late than never, right? :)

Remember our “Debt Free by Christmas” goal turned “Debt Free by Thanksgiving” goal turned “May Needs to Find a Job” goal? Yes, that was a fun 3-month season. :) It was the best time I ever had being unemployed {only because we already had a plan})!

Well, I am happy to announce that by the grace of God, WE’RE DEBT FREEEEEEE!!!!

dave debt free sticker Continue reading

My 2013 Year in Review

Hi friends, I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s Eve and are excited about 2014! My 2013 was definitely one for the books! Here’s a rundown of the high points:

Public Service Announcement

Dear friends,

This is a Public Service Announcement. If you live in an area that gets below freezing in the winter {or you live in Texas where this only happens once a year}, remember to let your faucets drip so your downstairs apartment neighbors don’t wake up to this the next morning. Continue reading

Fear Punch Friday: Puppy Love <3


If you follow me on Instagram, you already know about Dawn (AKA #instaDawn). She’s my… I mean, she’s our 6-year-old lab mix and this morning I’m taking her in for surgery. Continue reading

Happy Veteran’s Day!

JB Military

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. John 15:13


Happy Veteran’s Day to all the veterans and military families! I know you don’t like to be recognized, but you certainly deserve it! We take for granted what you sacrifice daily. Thank you for your service!

Happy Veteran’s Day to my favorite vet: Jerod. He accomplished many great things while in the Army, most of which he’ll never tell you about. I remember writing him letters while he was in Iraq and celebrating his return with a homemade picnic and concert on the lawn (we were still just friends, you see). Continue reading